Monday, April 1, 2013

March 2013

We did a lot of hiking this month.

Our first hike was Solstice Canyon in Malibu.  We took the Rising Sun Trail first, which goes up to the ridge and then circles back down around to the more popular solstice canyon trail. At the end of the trail, there was a 30' "waterfall" a.k.a. "trickle down a rock" and also some ruins of a mansion.
Halfway up Rising Sun Trail looking out over the Pacific
Jeremy pioneering his way through the trail.
Us at the waterfall. 
Some of the ruins on the Solstice Canyon hike. 

The next weekend, we hiked Escondido Falls in Malibu. It was overcast and a little misty out, but still an amazing hike. We parked on the PCH and then the first mile is up through the neighborhood of all these ginormous homes. Then you come to the end and you go down into a ravine where the trail takes you in another mile or so. Then you get to the first waterfall. It's not that impressive, but neat. We decided to continue hiking up which is where it got interesting. Very steep, more like rock climbing than hiking, and there were ropes people put up to help get to the top. We got up fine, but coming down there was a lot of time spent on the ol' rear end. We got super dirty but it was so fun, we didn't care a bit! 

I wanted to climb every one of these trees.

The trail to the first waterfall.

Us on the trail.
Jer Rock Hoppin'
We made it to the top! Big trickling waterfall over 50'.
After hiking that day, on our way back home, we had a celebrity sighting. Yep. While driving through Malibu, we pulled up to a red light next to, none other than, Kenny G. Jeremy recognized him. Kenny noticed he got recognized. Jeremy started cheesing out, then I had to look. I caught Kenny flipping his precious curls over his shoulder. It was awkward. Oh so very awkward. Jeremy smiled the whole way home. We immediately bought every one of his records. 

That same weekend, our friend was in town for her best friends play he wrote. We went to dinner at Typhoon, which is this asian fusion restaurant in the Santa Monica Airport. They have an "insect" section on the menu. Nope, not kidding. When we asked how the scorpions were, our waiter replied, "They're the #1 insect on the menu." Gotta love an honest response. 
Ever since we've moved to Cali, Jer will only drink cocktails with an umbrella in it. 
"The #1 insect on the menu."
We spent St. Patty's dat at the races at Santa Anita Horse Track. Cheap to get in, not so cheap to lose. We ended up breaking even for the day, so no complaints!
They dyed the fountain green for St. Patty's Day!
Our festive outfits!
Beautiful view looking out at the track from the stands. 
The last weekend in March I went hiking with my friend Maribeth from Culver. We hiked in Rancho Palos Verdes on the ocean trails by Trump Golf Course. Another beautiful California Day!
The view from Rancho Palos Verdes. 
And now we're caught up!

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