Saturday, July 20, 2013

Wedding to Wedding

'Tis the season! Gotta love the ten year span between 25 and 35 when everyone you know is getting married. After Mom & Dad left, the next weekend we headed up to Santa Barbara for Maribeth and Scott's wedding. Such a beautiful event! Maribeth looked GORGEOUS as always and Scott could not have been more adorable. It was so great to see Kristin, Sarah, Kristy, Jon, Erin, and Pat as well. No better excuse than a wedding for a mini-reunion! Jeremy rode his motorcycle up to SB that Saturday - it rained on him the whole way. But, he was lookin' pretty darn sexy in his suit that night! We partied it up at the Four Seasons for the reception and despite Maribeth's concern that we may not get drunk enough, we had no problems in that department. She had a photobooth at her wedding too - so fun! (Photobooth pictures will not be posted as they are too discriminating).

Maribeth and Scott leaving their wedding ceremony.
After Maribeth and Scott's wedding, Sarah got to stay in LA for a couple extra days. So - we did the grand Tour-de-LA-in-a-Day. Hollywood sign, Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive, Venice Beach, and ended in Santa Monica. We also did the Tar Pits and LACMA, plus hung out with Shane at the Studios.
Sarah lovin' up on some creature they pulled out of the tar pits.

Our love is so strong it can hold a boulder...


Sarah and I in the light pole "art" outside LACMA

That next week I was in Omaha for a quick meeting - but due to my flight cancellation in Denver, I only made it to 2 hours of the meeting, so I got to see some great friends for dinner that night and had a little sleepover with Julia! Not too shabby!

Love me some Kyle and Julia - just wish Jeremy could have been here!

Sad that I have to go to Omaha to get my favorite sushi! Love me so me Blue!

Mikkel - displaying his valentines day card from Jeremy from 09 that he apparently carries with him - now that's true love! 

The rest of April was spent doing some hiking and lounging at the beach until Memorial Day, when we had our next round of visitors in LA!

Beach Day.

Then the fog rolled in.

Hiking at Red Rocks. Lots of rock scrambling to be done!

Red Rocks

Red Rocks

Jeremy hanging out in a cliff cave. Good Job Jeremy.

Also in April, we went to the Brewery Art Walk in downtown LA. It's this old PBR brewery that they turned into lofts, and you have to be an artist to live there. Twice a year, they have an open house where all the artists open their homes to the public and display their art for sale. It's very cool and the art ranges from jewelry and graphic design to complete floor installations. I can't believe the access to some of those apartments though...lots of narrow, uneven stairs, I have no idea how they got furniture up there!

Art installation in one of the lofts

One of the loft buildings

Bicycle-dining table contraption

Mid-May we went down to St. Malo in Oceanside, CA for Michelle and Kailen's engagement party. It was a great beach BBQ party complete with volleyball and dolphins swimming just off the coast. Couldn't have asked for a better time!

We also went to see the LA Dodgers play at the stadium downtown. Since neither Jeremy nor I like, or even enjoy baseball, we saw this as an obligatory one-time-only event that is our duty as an American. Traffic was horrible. The section we sat in was horrible. The food was horrible. Parking was horrible. The game was boring. But of course, we had a great time!!! And, we got Matt Kemp bobbleheads, so that's awesome. We will be selling them on EBAY if anyone is interested.
Dodgers Stadium

Having a good time!
I also had a team building event at work where I got to go deep sea fishing. Caught some rockfish, a baby halibut, and a sanddab - all really ugly fish. Only the rockfish and sanddab were big enough to keep...I wish the halibut would have been!

LOVE drinking on a boat before 10 AM!!!

My bounty. Don't worry, I'm just pretending to clean them. Our shirtless deckhand actually cleaned them.

For Memorial Day weekend, we had a mini KECo reunion with Matt, Jen and Margaret coming in to visit. We had a super busy weekend planned of sightseeing and hiking, but, thank God, our low-key friends were perfectly happy sitting at the beach all day and watching movies at night! Of course, there was lots of wine...and rum...and beer...

The end of June rounded out our second wedding of the season - Liz and Josh. Yet another great excuse for a mini Culver reunion, it was so great to spend the weekend with Sarah, Destanie, Billy, Michelle, and Kailen. We rented a killer condo in Beaver Creek, Co at St. James Place . The first full day we were in town, we decided to take the chairlift up to the "top" of the mountain, have lunch at the restaurant up there, and then hike down. It started out as a good idea, lunch was amazing and the view couldn't be beat...but 4 miles of down-hill hiking made us feel old. Our hips, knees, calves, and quads were killing us, so naturally we had to console them with alcohol at Liz and Josh's welcome party on Friday night with drinks, campfire, and smores - so fun!

First stop: Liquor store. Of course, it's called Beaver Liquors. Haha.

First night out with the girls. They're so beautiful. 

View from the top of the Mountain. Well, halfway up the mountain. 

Jeremy being pensive on the hike down. 
Hiking down the mountain.

Aspens on the hillside. 

The village never looked so sweet. 

So close, yet so far away.

After our hike, we rode the chairlift in a circle. Should have done that the first time!

Bride and Groom coming down the mountain. 
Saturday we woke up feeling the pain of the previous days' poor decisions, so it was off to the spa! Massages, haircuts, and therapy pools awaited us at Allegria Spa at the Hyatt in Beaver Creek. I could live there. So glad Destanie and Sarah convinced us to go! I got the best massage of my life and Jeremy got one SEXY haircut! But the Aqua Sanitas Water Sanctuary is quite possibly the most heavenly place on earth. I can't wait to go back.

The spa was the perfect place to spend the day relaxing and getting ready for the wedding! In true Eberly fashion, the wedding could not have been any more beautiful. It was held at Beano's Cabin in Beaver Creek. We took a shuttle bus up there and partied our pants off all night!
What a good looking couple!

The Culver crew at the Ceremony

Liz and her Dad. Couldn't have been more beautiful!

Not a bad place to get hitched.

It was the night of the Super Moon! 
The next day, we went for another hike after Brunch. We selected the hike to Beaver Lake thinking that it was 6 miles with 700' of elevation gain. Turns out, it's more like 8 miles with 1700' of elevation gain. Ugh. It was beautiful nonetheless.
A look back at the Mountains

Me and Jer

Beaver Lake

Beaver Lake. That's Jer on the other side...being a boy, playing in the dirt!

Beaver Lake with Destanie being her gorgeous self

Jeremy taking the "road less traveled"

Destanie, Billy, Jeremy and Me
Lots of traveling the last few months---more traveling to come! Congratulations to Maribeth and Scott and Liz and Josh!! Beautiful weddings and so great to see you both!

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